

What Net Zero Means in the Building Construction Industry

Demystifying the term ‘net zero,以及木质结构材料如何帮助建筑实现净零碳目标

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The phrase net zero has become common in the 建筑 industry. Recently constructed 建筑s are touted as net zero, designers 和 owners strive to achieve net zero, 要求净零建设的政策已经到位并正在制定中. Everyone seems to want a net-zero outcome, 但是,对于这个术语的含义以及如何实现这一目标,缺乏共识.

在不久的过去, 在建筑行业中,净零能耗是一个与运营能耗相关的术语.e.在建筑物运行过程中,用于给建筑物供电、加热和冷却. With improvements in energy efficiency, 可再生能源选择, 和 more efficient design techniques, many 建筑s have been able to achieve 净零运行能耗, w在这里 no off-site energy is required for st和ard performance, 和 net-zero 运营的碳在美国,通过使用可再生能源,相关的碳排放为零. These 建筑s have frequently been called 净零能耗建筑 or 零的建筑. 偶尔, net zero has also been used to describe performance 目标, such as water or waste usage by the 建筑’s occupants. 例如,在a 净零水建筑; 从其他水源取用的水量加上返回原水源的水量,相当于建筑物一年内的用水量. 同样,一个 零浪费 建筑 would result in no waste going to l和fills or incinerators.1

More recently, net zero has been discussed in relation to the 整体 碳的影响 of a 建筑, which includes both 运营的碳体现碳.2 隐含碳是指与制造相关的温室气体(GHG)排放, 运输, 安装, 维修保养, 和解构 和 disposal of materials within a structure.3,4 具体碳通常与操作碳分开计算,因此可以设定 净零隐含碳 目标. 如果同时考虑操作碳和隐含碳,目标将是 净零总碳.

Another intricacy in the 零碳排放 discussion is 碳补偿 (也称为 碳抵消信用额 or 抵消学分), which can be purchased to compensate for carbon emissions.5,6 这些补偿然后从碳总量中减去,以便结构要求 零碳排放.7

How Wood Products Can Contribute to Lower Embodied Carbon

减少结构中隐含碳的最直接的方法之一是使用具有低隐含碳的材料. 这意味着要找到在生产过程中向大气排放较少温室气体的材料, 安装, 和解构. 再三, 研究表明,木质材料比功能相当的替代品具有更低的碳含量.8

Part of 这 is due to the use of renewable biomass fuels (i.e.(如树皮和其他残留的木材纤维)在产品制造过程中代替化石燃料. In American Wood Council (AWC) member facilities, which represent over 86% of the structural wood products industry, 木制品制造中使用的70%以上的能源来自生物质.9 基于ISO 21930中概述的“-1进/+1出”生物碳核算框架10 for biobased materials originating from sustainably managed forests, biomass energy is considered carbon neutral, 因此,相关的碳排放不会对建筑的隐含碳产生影响.11

Additionally, because wood is a renewable, biobased material, it contains 生物碳,12 在树木生长过程中,通过光合作用从大气中去除的碳是什么. That carbon continues to be stored in the wood, keeping it out of the atmosp在这里 for the lifetime of the wood product. When performing a whole 建筑 life cycle assessment (WBLCA), 由于隐含碳和生物源碳代表不同的碳源,因此将它们分开计算是有帮助的. 然而, when looking at the full 碳的影响 of a 建筑, 负的生物源碳值常与正的隐含碳值相加. 如果木制品中储存的生物碳至少与建筑整个生命周期中释放的隐含碳一样多, the structure could be considered 净零隐含碳. For 这 definition of net zero, it is important to remember that, 尽管该产品确实会在建筑的整个生命周期内储存生物碳, 最终, at the end of the 建筑’s life, some or all of the stored carbon will be ‘released’ from the system,13 在这一点上,它不再可用来抵消隐含的碳排放.

The Real Goal of Net Zero Carbon

Because of the numerous ways the term net zero is used, 建筑业主和设计师应该明确他们的目标是哪种类型的净零, 在设计阶段确保他们的努力得到适当的集中, 并与公众分享他们的成就,以消除困惑. Whether discussing operational or 体现碳, 在一天结束的时候, 净零碳建筑的目标是一样的:创造一个低碳密集的建筑环境. This can be accomplished through a variety of strategies, including the use of wood construction materials. WBLCA的使用 能否帮助业主和设计师从碳意识的角度分析建筑,并选择降低碳排放的材料. Although net zero is a lofty goal that t在这里 is no simple way to achieve, the use of wood in construction is a proven carbon-reduction strategy.


大厅,E.S.(2020年9月). How to Calculate the Wood Carbon Footprint of a Building.

KL&A工程师和建筑商., Adolfson & 彼得森. (2021年7月). Platte Fifteen Life Cycle Assessment.

WoodWorks – Wood Products Council. (2021年10月). 可持续建筑:从林地管理到碳正、健康的建筑.

认为木材. 净零楼宇.

1 U.S. 能源部. (2017年8月). Federal Existing Buildings H和book for Net Zero Energy, Water, 和 Waste

2 O ' conner J. 2月(2020). What can we do about 体现碳? 加拿大建筑师

3 现货UL. (2020年8月). Embodied vs Operational Carbon

4 碳领导力论坛. (2020年12月). 隐含碳101

5 碳补偿指南. 什么是碳补偿? 

6 CarbonCredits.com. How to Make Money Producing 和 Selling Carbon Offsets

7 对于出售大量木结构建筑中储存的碳的信用额,也出现了新的兴趣. For additional information see: Ta, K. (2022年9月). Aureus Earth和华盛顿大学为大型木结构建筑执行开创性的碳抵消交易. 绿冠节点. (2022). Pioneering the First Mass Timber Carbon Removal Methodology

8 Sathre R.奥康纳,J. (2010年10月) A Synthesis of Research on Wood Products & 温室气体影响2nd

9 American Wood Council, (2020年12月). 环境、能源 & Safety Report Industry Progress Report

10 International Organization for St和ardization. (2017). ISO 29130: 2017建筑和土木工程的可持续性-建筑产品和服务环境产品声明的核心规则, 第七节.2.7. 

11 Among the resources on 这 topic, 美国环保署的政策声明“反映了森林生物能源的碳中和性,并承认生物质是一种可再生能源, 前提是利用森林生物量生产能源不会导致森林向非森林用途转变.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA’s Treatment of Biogenic Carbon Dioxide (CO2)利用森林生物质进行能源生产的固定源的排放

12 For information on carbon storage in wood products, see 木制品的文章. 

13 How to include biogenic carbon in an LCA is discussed in more depth in 木制品的文章.